DB Perks Young Professional Aquatics Award

The DB Perks Young Professional Aquatics Award acknowledges the outstanding achievements of an emerging leader in the early stages of their aquatics career. This new award is given biennially (every 2 years) at BCRPA’s biennial Ripple Effects Aquatics Workshop. This award recognizes young professionals with the traits and skills required to hold a leadership position in aquatics, and who shows promise in continuing to make an impact on the sector.
We thank DB Perks and Associates for their generous support of this award that recognizes the positive contribution young professionals have on aquatics in BC.
2023 Award Recipient
2023 – Wyatt Kupferschmidt, City of Parksville
Wyatt Kupferschmidt, from the City of Parksville, was awarded the 2023 DB Perks Young Professionals Aquatics Award during BCRPA’s Ripple Effects aquatics conference, October 20, 2023, part of the first ever Active Professionals Conference.
Wyatt is a full-time Aquatic Team Leader at Ravensong Aquatic Centre, who has been delivering high quality aquatic services to communities in the Oceanside area of central Vancouver Island in this role since November 2021.
Wyatt is a natural leader who has made a significant impact in the field by advancing aquatics safety, as a positive role model within his team, and through his extensive volunteer roles through his aquatics career.
Read the complete media release here.
Past Award Recipients
2021 – Jessica Portsmouth, City of Cranbrook
Jessica Portsmouth, from the City of Cranbrook, was awarded the 2021 DB Perks Young Professional Aquatics Award during BCRPA's Ripple Effects aquatics workshop, November 24, 2021.
Jessica has demonstrated exemplary leadership within aquatics and as a community member. Through her drive to spearhead new initiatives, act as a mentor, engage her community in aquatic opportunities and trainings, and dive into leadership roles whenever asked, Jessica is a highly deserving recipient of this year's DB Perks Young Professional Aquatics Award.
Watch the full video presentation of the 2021 DB Perks Young Professional Aquatics Award here.
2019 – Annika Dixon-Reusz, City of Rossland
The BCRPA DB Perks Provincial Aquatics Youth Award acknowledges the outstanding achievements of an emerging leader in the early stages of their aquatics career. This new award offered for the first time this year, recognizes youth with the traits and skills required to hold a leadership position in aquatics, and who shows promise in continuing to make an impact on the sector.